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Of course I had to take a picture…

Of a different kind.

A motorbike ride at sundown/sunset.

Yes, that’s the way to go!!

It has been hot lately – very hot, just in case you missed my previous post. The one very fortunate thing, is that in the evenings it cools down to livable temperatures – so far it has anyway, it might still change. But this post is not about heat. ( I heard that sigh of relief! )

Yesterday afternoon/evening, we went for a ride on the GS (BMW GS, a ‘touring’ bike, for those of you who don’t know) Not very far – to McGregor, a nearby town and back. We did that because my SO did it the evening before, and he wanted to show me the beauty out there when the sun goes down.

The light that changes, the last rays hitting the mountains and vineyards, the quiet that comes with the sun setting. It was truly magic. I loved every single moment of it.

I wonder if he (my SO) realizes that he has now started something that will have to continue, because I loved it so much? It doesn’t have to happen every day, but it will have to happen often.

There really is nothing that compares to sitting on the back of a motorbike, cruising along, and experiencing your surroundings first hand, not through a closed car window with the aircon on. Especially late in the day, when it has started cooling down. Like I said – magic.

This song kept popping into my head as we cruised along…

So, imagine if you can, sitting on a bike, cruising along, the cool air against your skin, the light fading, and this ↑ song playing – like in a movie, you know? 😉

Happy weekend to you all!!!

About zelmare

Hallo to you from the southern most part of the African continent - South Africa!! To put my life in a nutshell : I raised 3 absolutely fabulous kids (I'm sure you will hear a lot about them, since I am a very proud mama), I became a doting grandmother two years ago and recently bought a house in the Western Cape, and in doing so, realized a dream I've had for many, many years. I love traveling, which I don't do often enough. I love living a simple life - cooking, gardening, knitting and of course, blogging. There is still a lot I want to do and see in my lifetime, but time will tell how much of that I can actually accomplish. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of lovely new friends and interesting people here on WordPress! :)

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