It’s been a while…

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One year, one month, and 2 days, to be exact.

Hi there! I don’t blame you if you had forgotten all about me – my blog never was that memorable to begin with, I know. But here I am again! Just because I need to write something, somewhere, and I haven’t done so in a while – one year, one month, 2 days – but you get the picture, I think…

I have been searching online for remote jobs, and I’ve come to the realization that I’m too old, not qualified enough for anything available (I know that some of the jobs I’ll be able to do, but do not have the ‘proof’, as in an up to date CV), and for some of the jobs available, I don’t even know what they’re talking about! So , that is a mountain too high for me to climb.

I want/need a remote job for a few reasons:

I’ve got the time. I am spending too much time scrolling through social media, watching TV and doing nothing, instead of doing something more worthwhile, like engaging my brain, earning money. Also, my little guesthouse is doing okay, but it is not quite keeping up with the rise in the prices of everything. And there are fewer guests since the economy is hitting everybody very hard. I’m still young enough to want to do things and go places, but for that I need a bit more money than my business is bringing in.

Why not get a ‘normal’ job? Same reasons as above. Added to those, it will also cost me money to go out to do a job in town – I will need ‘office’ clothes, I will use a whole lot more fuel than I’m doing at the moment, and the salary will not come close to what I’m worth (in my mind, at least), or what it’s going to cost me to go to work! Ridiculous, isn’t it?

I do, however, have a huge amount to be very grateful for – I love my house, and I’m so thankful that I’ve got this safe haven that I can call my own. I have food everyday. If I don’t have food, it’s only because I don’t like having to go out and buy it. I’ve got a comfy bed, people in my life whom I love very much, enough clothes, enough of everything, in fact. Except money. Not to buy a bigger, fancier house. Not to buy more clothes with the right labels. Not for jewellery and shiny trinkets. Only so I can go visit my children and grandchildren who live overseas, when the longing gets to much to bear…

About zelmare

Hallo to you from the southern most part of the African continent - South Africa!! To put my life in a nutshell : I raised 3 absolutely fabulous kids (I'm sure you will hear a lot about them, since I am a very proud mama), I became a doting grandmother two years ago and recently bought a house in the Western Cape, and in doing so, realized a dream I've had for many, many years. I love traveling, which I don't do often enough. I love living a simple life - cooking, gardening, knitting and of course, blogging. There is still a lot I want to do and see in my lifetime, but time will tell how much of that I can actually accomplish. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of lovely new friends and interesting people here on WordPress! :)

2 responses »

  1. Nice to hear from you. Good luck with the job hunting. I know the feeling, though I’m spending all my time at home now and in the garden.


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